
The Plainfield Foundation

September 2022. The Giving Garden of Wagner Farm Arboretum was awarded $11,915 of grant funding by The Plainfield Foundation Committee to help finance a much-needed replacement of their existing irrigation system. A properly-functioning, efficient irrigation system is needed to increase The Giving Garden’s planned larger crop yields in the coming years and to decrease water loss due to runoff.

The WFA Giving Garden grows and harvests fresh organically-raised produce, which is then distributed to food pantries in area communities. This generous grant from The Plainfield Foundation will help the Giving Garden further their goal of supplying even more high quality and nutritious fresh produce to the food-insecure in our area.

Read the full article in the Echoes Sentinel by clicking HERE.

L to R: David Lewis (Exalted Ruler), Bernadette DeLaurie (WFA Giving Garden Director), Kathleen Britt (WFA President) and Kathleen Olesen (Leading Knight and Elk National Foundation Chair).

Watchung Hills Elks Lodge #885

Wagner Farm Arboretum’s Giving Garden is happy to announce receipt of a $2500 Gratitude Grant from Watchung Hills Elks Lodge #885 in Warren. The funds will be used to purchase premium soil, lumber, and supplies for the improvement, maintenance, and ongoing expansion of the Giving Garden’s raised-bed plots.

This generous grant from the Watchung Hills Elks Lodge #885 will help the Giving Garden improve productivity and increase yield to make nutritious vegetables available to those without the resources to acquire them.

Valairco Heating and Cooling

Wagner Farm Arboretum Giving Garden is the latest recipient of a $500 donation from the Valairco Cares program. Every quarter Valairco donates $500 to a nonprofit or charity based on the desire of their customers, friends and interested parties. Kevin McHugh, Owner of Valairco Heating and Cooling, and the company's founder Richard Valenti presented a check to GG Director Bernadette DeLaurie (in hat) and WFA Trustees on May 19th in the garden.